Language Competitions, adalah bagian dari serangkaian lomba dalam event SONIC LINGUISTIC 2012 yang diadakan oleh OSIS MAN Insan Cendekia Serpong. Buat adek2 SMP, SMA dan sederajat, Sci-Tech Competitions meliputi 4 lomba diantaranya: Quick n smart, LKIR, economic competitions, Wallmagz, n science competition.
Ketentuan Umumnya Sonic Linguistic bisa dilihat di sini.
Berikut syarat dan ketentuan untuk Language Competitions:
Ketentuan Lomba English Debate Sonic Linguistic 2012(Sangat cocok buat adek2 yg suka bhs inggris nih)
NB ! Silahkan Copy paste, dengan tetap mencantumkan sumber dengan backlink ke blog juga. Trims :-)
Ketentuan Umumnya Sonic Linguistic bisa dilihat di sini.
Berikut syarat dan ketentuan untuk Language Competitions:
Ketentuan Lomba English Debate Sonic Linguistic 2012(Sangat cocok buat adek2 yg suka bhs inggris nih)
- This competition is categorized for 10-12 grade students.
- Each school can only send not more than two teams. However, one extra team can be put to our waiting list.
- Each team consists of 3+1 manager.
- Each team is allowed to bring two substitute participants with justifiable reason with confirmation to the committee before.
- This competition uses World School Debating Championship (WSDC) system using Points of Information (POI) and Reply Speech.
- The list of motion for the debate would be announced at Technical Meeting.
- Registration fee is Rp300.000,00 (includes meal coupon for first day).
Ketentuan Lomba News Casting Sonic Linguistic 2012
- This competition is categorized for 7-12 grade students.
- Each school can only send not more than two participants.
- Theme will be announced at Technical Meeting.
- Articles will be provided by the committee.
- Registration fee is Rp100.000,00 for each participant.
Ketentuan Lomba Speech Contest Sonic Linguistic 2012
- This competition is categorized for 7-12 grade students.
- Each school can only send not more than two participants.
- Participants are supposed to use English during performance.
- No derogatory comment is allowed during performance.
- No SARA and pornography elements are allowed.
- The competition consists of two rounds, includes :
- Preliminary round : Themes will be announced at Technical Meeting and Participants MUST submit the speech text.
- Final round : Committee will choose the best 7 for final round and Themes will be announced 60 minutes before the final round starts.
- The registration fee is Rp80.000,00 for each participant.
Ketentuan Lomba Story Telling Sonic Linguistic 2012
- This competition is categorized for 7-9 grade students.
- Each school can only send not more than two participants.
- Participants must bring properties during performance.
- Participants should prepare the materials for the performance themselves.
- Participants are supposed to use English during performance.
- No derogatory comment is allowed in the performance.
- Participants are supposed to choose one among three stories provided by the committee and it would be provided at the Technical Meeting.
- For final round, participants would be given part of stories after preliminary round announcement.
- Registration fee is Rp85.000 for each participant.
E-mail :
Contact Person
Rizki (087880364656)
Nurul (085313907855)
MAN Insan Cendekia Serpong
Jl. Cendekia no. 1 BSD Sektor XI Serpong, Tangerang Selatan, Banten
Contact Person
Rizki (087880364656)
Nurul (085313907855)
MAN Insan Cendekia Serpong
Jl. Cendekia no. 1 BSD Sektor XI Serpong, Tangerang Selatan, Banten