Yang demen bhs inggris kudu ikutan nih, Gak tanggung2
levelnya tingkat Asia sob.
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suksesnya The 2011 Southeast Asian
English Olympics (SEO), Bina Nusantara English Club (BNEC) akan mengadakan The 2012 Asian English Olympics.
Mengundang siswa dan mahasiswa dari seluruh Asia, kompetisi Bahasa Inggris bertingkat
Asia ini mencakup 6 cabang kompetisi:
- Debate
- Scrabble
- Speech
- Storytelling
- Newscasting
- Short Movie Making
masing2 lomba ( Sory sob msh bahasa inggris, coz
adminnya g bs bhs inggris ni. Mungkin sobat2 ingin membantu?. He2)
Caps : 80 teams
The most popular field in English Olympics is back! With
internationally-recognized adjudicators, The 2012 Asian English Olympics Debate
competition will give you a world-class debating experience!
Format : British Parliamentary (BP)
Adjudicator : N-1 rule
Rounds :
o 6 Preliminary rounds
o Quarter Final
o Semi Final
o Novice Final
o Grand Final
Registration fee : 500,000
IDR / person OR 1,000,000 IDR / team
Note : More technical detail about the competition will be announced later.
Note : More technical detail about the competition will be announced later.
Caps : 60 people
The 2012 Asian English Olympics Speech competition allows
you to improve your public speaking and performing skills. Unleash your passion
and inspire others with your speech!
- Preliminary
Round 1 : Prepared Speech
Let's start the competition by listening to your opinion and views through the speech that you have prepared before. - Preliminary
Round 2 : Delivery Round
In this round, all participants will be given the same text and you need to decide how to deliver it in the most suitable manner. The objective of this round is specifically to judge your manner and delivery. - Octo
Final : Extemporaneous Speech
Extemporaneous speech is a popular speech in United States high schools and colleges, in which you will have to deliver a persuasive speech related to current issues. All participants will have the same amount of time to both prepare and deliver their speech. - Quarter
Final : Humorous Speech
Speech doesn't always have to be serious. That's why in AEO we give you time to relax yourself and try to deliver a humorous speech! Make sure you are creative and fun enough to amuse the judges. - Semi
Final : Table Topic Round
In this round, you will be given rhetorical / philosophical questions, then you have to respond them directly. This kind of impromptu speech requires you to quickly prepare a relevant response and express fluent, clear, and organized thoughts in a limited time. - Grand
Final : Prepared Speech
This will be the last time you deliver your speech, so make sure you prepare it well so that you can perform flawlessly and inspire your audience!
Registration fee : 400,000 IDR / person
Note : More technical detail about the competition will be announced later.
Note : More technical detail about the competition will be announced later.
Caps : 60 people
Every word counts! Scrabble is a word game that consists of
forming interlocking words, anagrams, and crossword fashion on the Scrabble
playing board. The aspect of vocabulary knowledge will always play as the
biggest factor in determining the real champion. Besides using the individual
system, The 2012 Asian English Olympics Scrabble competition will also use the
brand new lexicon, CSW12 which is used in worldwide Scrabble tournaments!
- System: Tournament (Australian Draw & KOTH)
- Total Rounds: 25 (No Elimination)
- Final Round: best of 5
- Rules : WESPA rules
- Word Authority: CSW12
- Penalty: 5 points per word which actually allowable
Registration fee : 350,000 IDR / person
Note : More technical detail about the competition will be announced later.
Caps : 60 people
The 2012 Asian English Olympics Story Telling competition is
the right place for you who like to tell stories, play with your creativity,
and improve your public speaking skill at the same time! Get ready to be the
best story teller in Asia!
- Preliminary
Round 1 : Prepared Story
As the opening of the competition, we would like to hear your original story that you have prepared long before the competition! - Preliminary
Round 2 : Slide Round
In this round, you will see a slide with a picture and make a story based on it. However, as the slide changes, the picture will also change, and you always have to continue your story according to what is shown on the slides. So make sure not to panic and stay creative! - Octo
Final : Tag team
Participants will be divided into groups, which consist of 4 people each. One of them need to start to tell story until he/she is asked to stop. Then, he/she should tag another participant to continue the story and so on. So, make sure that you use strategies as well. - Quarter
Final : Twister
In this round, the you are asked to draw 3 lotteries which consist of place, condition and twist. Then you have to make a story according to the lots. Make sure you think fast because you will only be given short preparation time! - Semi
final : Guest star
What if you become a guest in a drama but you have never read the script before? In this round, you will be a guest in a drama that has to adapt with the story, and you need to have an impromptu dialogue with the actors/actresses who would ask you tricky questions! - Duel:
Nothing is more exciting than 2 finalists facing each other in duel round! Both finalists will present on the stage at the same time and they will start telling stories one after the other, making a continuation of one grand story! Besides that, there will be some twisting yet interesting mechanism on it during the performance!
Registration fee : 400,000 IDR / person
Note : More technical detail about the competition will be announced later.
Note : More technical detail about the competition will be announced later.
News Casting
Caps : 60 people
The 2012 Asian English Olympics News Casting competition is
the right place for you who wish to develop your skills in presenting news to
the audience. Here, we challenge you to become a professional news anchor,
reporter, presenter, and even a host!
- Preliminary Round 1 : News Reading As an opening round, each of you
will be asked to be a news anchor and deliver several news that we have
prepared special for you.
- Preliminary Round 2 : Showbiz News
After delivering serious news in
round 1, it's the time to present fun information from the entertainment
industry. Be an attractive news presenter together with your partner that will
be picked randomly.
- Octo Final : News Report
Good news casters should also be
able to make their own news. Therefore, the octo finalists will be given time
to make their own news, and the judges will score both your performance and the
quality of the news.
- Quarter Final : Live Report
As a news caster, sometimes you need
to go directly to the field and make a live report. This is why in quarter
final, we're going to put you in a certain situation and challenge you to
report the news live to the audience.
- Semi Final : Talk Show
It's time to try a different
challenge: hosting your own talk show! Make sure you are able to make your guest
feel comfortable during the show and create good atmosphere in the studio.
- Grand Final : News Reading + interview
It's the final round, so get ready
to go back to basic and become an extraordinary news anchor! However, in this
time, you also need to interview a guest, so make sure you are ready because
you may need to improvise your way of delivering questions directly on the
Registration fee : 400,000 IDR / person
Note : More technical detail about the competition will be announced later.
Short Movie
Caps : 20 teams
The 2012 AEO presents Short Movie Making, a competition in
which the participants become the director of their own movie! The judging
aspects are not only about the cinematography, editing or story aspects, but
also the use of English in the movie.
- Prepared
You and your team are going to make a short movie based on the theme that we will inform to you far before the D-Day. During the competition days, you will present the movie in front of the judges. Make sure you deliver an attractive presentation because it is also one of the judging criteria to win as the Best Movie!
Movie General Rules
- Theme of Short Movie Making Asian English Olympics is "A living Hero".
- Genre of the movie is non-animation.
- The movie must be in English and also English subtitled.
- The movie must be submitted by DVD and in MPEG-4 format.
- Ideal resolution for the movie is 1280 x 720 (HD).
- Duration of the movie must not exceed 15minutes (include credits).
- The movie must not contain material that promotes bigotry, racism, pornography, hatred or harm against any group or individual or promotes discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age.
- The DVD will be submitted during the technical meeting on February 13, 2012.
- Submitted DVDs will become the property of the committee and will not be returned.
- On
the spot video
Get ready for a different challenge! During your short stay in AEO, you and your 2 teammates are going to make a video; it can be documentary, commercial or even a movie! With short amount of time and limited settings, your creativity will play a very important role during the making of the video!
Note : More technical detail about the competition will be announced later
Monday, February 13, 2012
Technical Meeting
Coaching Clinic
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Pre-Elimination Round
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Pre-Elimination Round
Breaking announcement
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Octo Final
Quarter Final
Semi Final
Friday, February 17, 2012
Final Day
Closing Dinner
Untuk info lebih lanjut, silahkan buka http://aeo.mybnec.org/ dan
follow @THE2012AEO
NB ! Silahkan Copy paste, dengan tetap mencantumkan sumber dengan backlink ke blog info-lomba.com juga. Trims :-)