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Korps Mahasiswa Hubungan lntemasional (KOMAHI) Universitas Gadjah Mada menyelenggarakan IREC (Intemational Reldions English Competition) untuk siswa SMA/SMK/MA se-Jawa dan Bali. IREC merupakan rangkaian acara dari HI PHORIA yaag akan diselenggaralan pada bulan Mei hingga Nopember 2012 dan bertujuan unfuk menyampaikan pesan perdamaian sekaligus menyambut Hari Perdamaian Intemasional yangjatuh pada tanggal 1 September. Dan salah satu kegiatannya adalah Speech and Debate Competition.
Infonya bisa sobat info lomba lihat di bawah ini (dalam bhs inggris sob) dan pamflet di samping(jgn lupa utk diperbesar dulu):
Hello ! The Department of International Relations, Universitas Gadjah Mada has brought to you once again, The 6th Annual Interational Relations English Competition 2012 (IREC 2012) !
IREC is an annual competition as one of the main events of HI-PHORIA held by HI UGM, focusing on english competitions held for High School Students across Java and Bali. The competitions are devided into two major competitions; Debate and Speech Contest. Here are the details:
- Debate
- Speech
How do you do the registration? If you are interested in joining these two competitions, send an e-mail consist of the name of institution and the members of the team or the scanning of registration form to hiphoriaugm@gmail.com (Subject: "Regisration”). You can also notify your registration to the committees (Viyasa: 085729303629. Sinta: 085695577210) Plus, please notify the committees if you have done the payment.
Do lurk on our social media, on twitter (@hiphoriaugm). If you desire a full invitation letter and the motions, you can download it here http://www.4shared.com/office/DdJx58q6/File.html. We’re looking forward for your participations! Cheers~
(Info kiriman hasna fadila)
NB ! Silahkan Copy paste, dengan tetap mencantumkan sumber dengan backlink ke blog info-lomba.com juga. Trims :-)