diponegoro model united nations

DIPONEGORO MODEL UNITED NATIONS 2012 is hosted by Faculty of Law,UNDIP.

what's DMUN 2012?
DMUN is an academic simulations of United Nations (PBB). students take on roles as diplomats,investigate international issues,and then develop solutions.
this year, DMUN 2012 will be held 15-17 July 2012.
DMUN is open for ALL varsity students in Indonesia.

-open registration starts 4 June-7 July 2012.
-registration fee: 150.000IDR
-Deadline payment : 12 June- 7 July

how to get an application form?
visit: www.diponegoromun.blogspot.com for further info or contact via email diponegoromun@yahoo.com

cp: Eko : 085647949414 or Fany: 081286003835

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