Deadline 31 Agustus 2013
Himpunan Mahasiswa Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan (Himitepa) IPB proudly present... "NATIONAL STUDENT PAPER COMPETITION 2013"
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The sub theme are Coronary heart disease, Diabetes mellitus type 2, Cancer, Hypertension, Beauty Food
You could analyze it in every point of view, not only in food technology's view. (For example, you could analyze the economic value of the functional food and etc)
The registration fee is only IDR 200.000 ( early bird until August 8th)
The standard registration fee is IDR 250.000 (August 8th - August 18th)
Paper submission deadline : August 31th
(The other info is already in poster)
The payment can be transfered to
L.B Raditya 133-00-1056332-8 Bank Mandiri
Confirm transferring via SMS to 08111150176. Format : KONFIRMASINSPC_(the name of the team leader)_(title of the paper)
While we provide :
- IDR 4.000.000 for the 1st Winner + Parcel + Certificate
- IDR 2.500.000 for the 2nd Winner + Parcel + Certificate
- IDR 1.500.000 for the 3rd Winner + Parsel + Certificate
But we recommend you to save your slot by registering your team first then you can submit your paper later.
If you have any other questions, feel free to contact :
Gideon : 085655778833 / email :
Or kindly visit our twitter : @Foodival2013 and our tumblr :
So? What are you waiting for? Go join the competition, get the prize, and share your idea! :)
info kiriman Dewi Emillia Bahry via email
NB ! Silahkan Copy paste, dengan tetap mencantumkan sumber ke juga. Trims :-) Follow twitter kami: @infolomba_indo