Deadline: ~

Let’s join ACCOUNTING OLYMPIAD 2013 "Accounting as the Language of Business"
Will be held on Oct 28th-31st, 2013 at Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Win up to 10 million IDR prizes and Internship Opportunity at KPMG, with only 300.000 IDR Regist Fee! So what are you waiting for? Come and Regist now guys!
For registrations & further information please contact us on:
Steffany - CP: 081807486788

ACTION!4 ACCOUNTING UPH | Accounting Olympiad 2013 | Seminar | Accounting Workshop | Job and Internship Fair | Event by Guest Stars | Stand bazar

presented by Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan Akuntansi UPH 2013
Twitter: @Hmja_uph
Facebook: Hmja Uph
IG: Hmja_uph

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