International Business Plan Competition - Istec 2014

Deadline: April, 23th 2014

Organize: BEM Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

"A Step Closer to Asean's Independence Through Social Technopreneurship"

  1. Technology
  2. Creative Industry
  3. Agribusiness
  4. Food and Beverage
  5. Service

General Requirements:
  1. The team consist of three members.
  2. Undergraduate or diplomat students.
  3. All members should come from same university.
  4. No business running more than one year.
  5. Asean and Australian citizens.

  1. Download the registration form at and send it with other requirements  to Sekretariat BEM ITS Gedung SCC Lantai 2, Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya Postal Code 60111.
  2. Fill the online registration form at
  3. Pay the registration fee USD 25 or IDR 250.000 to Bank Mandiri 171-00-0024168-0 on behalf of Annisa Nur Ramadhani for each proposal submitted please confirm to +6285730009854 after pay the registration fee.

1st Winner: IDR 15.000.000,-
2nd Winner: IDR 10.000.000,-
3rd Winner: IDR 5.000.000,-
2 Best Category: IDR 2.500.000,-

Contact Person: +628553351622
Twitter: @ISTECITS2014

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