Deadline 30 April 2017
Ketentuan peserta : 1 tim terdiri dari 3 orang dari universitas yang sama (boleh beda jurusan dan angkatan)
Cara pendaftaran : daftar di
Hello university students!
We are from Industrial Enggineering’s Student Council of Petra Christian University (HIMATITRA) present :
competition is an international competition where participants will
make a bottle design of mineral water. It's open for all undergraduate
students from any major and university.
The good news is, you can register your team for free! For PCU students you will get SKKK also.✅
Get a chance to win the total prize for IDR 8000000 or $600
So, register your team and win this competition!
- Registration & Submission Day : Monday, March 27 2017 - Sunday April 30 2017 (Max 21.00 GMT + 7, Jakarta Time)
- Announcement : Monday, 08 April 2017
For more information you can contact through :
📩Email :
Follow our official Instagram and get the latest update!
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